Roseau County Historical Society and Museum
Roseau, Minnesota 56751
Aprons represent people who have loved us and served us. Pati presents her colorful collection of vintage aprons and the enchanting stories of the people who wore them. She lovingly honors the memory of all of those industrious “church basement” mothers and grandmothers with her good humor, poems, songs, and tender tales.
Memorable and meaningful, Pati’s stories are humorous, heartwarming. She simply shares heart-to-heart through storytelling, singing, teaching and testimony. She creatively incorporates an appreciation for music, literature, poetry and travel into these programs. Pati carefully weaves words and imagery to draw listeners into her stories. With a few simple stage props, colorful hats and costumes, she keeps spectators fully engaged. Audiences easily receive her gentle voice and joyful spirit.
Hosted by the Roseau County Museum
Roseau City Center
5:00 pm Meal – $15 suggested donation
Menu: Chicken breast with a parmesan bacon sauce, potato, veggies, roll, and cheesecake
Reservations highly encouraged
6:00 pm Heart Strings Program – Free
5-8:00 pm Tree Tour in Museum
“These activites are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.”