We have retitled the “Weekly Radio Readings” to “Historic Happenings.” Each week’s story will be posted in its entirety. The stories can also be heard Sunday mornings around 10 am on WILD 102’s “Looking Back in Time” program.
Weekly radio stories are researched, compiled, and read by Sheila Winstead, RCHS Board Member.
Available recordings will also be linked to the Wild 102 “Looking Back in Time” page.
February 12, 2023

Last week I told you some history of the Sjoberg family, specifically Israel and the beautiful Victorian home he built in the early days of Roseau County. Today in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’ll read from an article in the Roseau Region, a local newspaper dated May 7, 1897, telling of his marriage.
A very quiet but not unexpected wedding took place in Roseau on Monday evening, May 3rd, the contracting parties being Mr. Israel Sjoberg and Miss Laura Miller. The ceremony was performed by Judge O. B. Ekman at his house, only a few of the immediate relatives being present.
Mr. Sjoberg is the senior member of the firm of Sjoberg Bros., general merchants, and came to this county several years ago when settlers were few and far between. By a strict adherence to business, square dealing and a courteous and gentlemanly disposition, he has gained a hold in the hearts of the people as is evidenced by his large and increasing trade, and today the firm owns two of the finest general merchandise stores in Roseau county – one here and one in Badger.
The bride is the sister of Harry Miller, the late proprietor of the Hotel Roseau, and came here about a year and a half ago to assist her brother in his new venture. Since her stay in Roseau she has gained many warm friends by her pleasing manner and amiable disposition and will make her husband one of the best of wives.
Mr. and Mrs. Sjoberg commenced housekeeping at once in the newly furnished apartments over Judge Ekman’s office,, where they will be at home to their many friends in and outside of Roseau.
The Region extends congratulations to Israel and Laura, and may your wedded life be one of continued pleasure and full of the good things of this world.
Mr. Sjoberg did handsomely by the people of Roseau immediately after the wedding ceremony, and everybody voted him a prince of good fellows.
In that same issue of the Roseau Region in 1897, a small news item says this: “Pete Sjoberg has been here this week a few days. He came up from Badger to attend the wedding of his brother and help eat the wedding cake.”
By 1903, six years after his brother Israel’s marriage, Pete Sjoberg was married. I’ll read a story from the Roseau Times-Region of 1953, seventy years ago. It tells about the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Peter and his wife Christina.
A host of friends and family members called on Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sjoberg last week when they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in the home they built in 1906. The well-liked and much-respected couple are now retired from a lifetime of much activity.
Peter Sjoberg and Christina Lindstrom were married at the home of Israel Sjoberg in Roseau on June 17, 1903, after both had arrived in Roseau from Sweden by horse-drawn stage from Stephen. Mr. Sjoberg arrived in 1893 and Mrs. Sjoberg in the fall of 1896. They have grown with the country and seen it change from a frontier to a well-developed county.
After they were married, the couple started housekeeping upstairs over Bottem’s store, where their first son was born. At this time Peter was a partner in Sjoberg Brothers, which consisted of a general store, flour mill and several farms at Badger.
Later they moved over to the Oveson Pop Factory where their second son was born. In September 1906, they built the home they still live in. Their daughter and two sons were born there.
During Mr. Sjoberg’s active life in Badger, he has been a merchant and directly interested in the banks in Badger and Roseau in which he served as an officer. He operated a thriving flour mill for 15 years and later converted it into a seed house.
He owned a great deal of land here at one time and was also active in the community sense in that he was on the village council at Badger for 32 years. Twelve of these years he served as mayor.
He served on the Badger School Board for 35 years as treasurer and was also on the Sanatorium Board at Thief River Falls.
He was president of the First State Bank of Badger and vice president of the Roseau County National Bank of Roseau until its consolidation with the First National Bank of Roseau where he has served as vice president. He is presently honorary vice president of the latter bank.
Mr. Sjoberg volunteered for service in the Spanish-American and Boer wars and has been a member of the Modern Woodmen of America since 1905. Both he and his wife were charter members of the Lutheran Church in Badger. He is also a past county chairman of the Republican party.
Mrs. Sjoberg has served many years as president of the Lutheran Ladies’ Aid in Badger and also as a choir member. She has been active in her community.
Mr. Sjoberg retired in 1948 after selling his interests in Badger and Roseau and is taking a well-earned leisure.
Children born to Mr. and Mrs. Sjoberg are Roy, Detroit, Michigan; John and Cecil, Badger; Mrs. Conrad Holmberg, Minneapolis; and Peter Israel, Roseau.
Thank you to (www.roseauonline.com) for letting us share our county’s history with your listeners by donating air time, studio time, and production staff every week.