The Roseau County Museum is OPEN
The museum is open for visitors with a new gallery layout, exhibits, and a traveling exhibit. Regular hours are Monday – Friday, 9:30 – 5 pm. We are open Saturdays 11-4 pm while the traveling exhibit is here, March 13. Admission is free for the museum. We hope you get a chance to view this fantastic exhibit while it is here and see what we have been busy with during our closure.
Smithsonian’s “The Way We Worked” Exhibition
What would life be like without teachers, doctors, or firefighters? Every day Americans are hard at work on farms, factories, in homes, or at desks keeping our communities thriving. The Roseau County Museum hosts the local showing of “The Way We Worked,” a Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition. “The Way We Worked” will be on view through March 13, 2021.
“The Way We Worked,” adapted from an original exhibition developed by the National Archives and Records Administration, explores how work has become a central element in American culture. It traces the many changes that have affected the workforce and work environments over the past 150 years, including the growth of manufacturing and the increasing use of technology. The exhibition draws from the Archives’ rich collections, including historical photographs, archival accounts of workers, film, audio, and interactives, to tell the compelling story of how work impacts our individual lives and the historical and cultural fabric of our communities.
For more information, call 218-463-1918.