Listen in to the Weekly Radio Readings by Sheila Winstead, RCHS Board Member
Recorded October 2016
October feature readings are from G. Arnold Grefthen book “A Land of Howling Wolves”
October 2, 9, 16, and 23 readings come from Chapter 7 recalling logging in Northern Minnesota and beyond circa 1920’s. Many men from Roseau County and other areas would leave for timber camps when the fall work was done and stay through spring breakup.
October 30 reading tells two stories. First, from Grefthen’s book recalling Halloween shenanigans and second a reading about getting ready for winter from Norbert Dostal’s stories contained in “The Changing Times on the Farm Scene, 1910 – 1986.”
Thank you to Wild102 FM for letting us share the history of our county with your listeners.