A one-woman performance featuring Jane Curry as Samantha Smith Allen, the rustic philosopher of sound country stock whose ideas on various issues are grounded in an affection for common sense and faith in its applicability to problems. Through her typical, popular brand of 19th century horse sense American humor, she challenges the status quo of social norms regarding women’s issues and plants herself squarely on the side of sensible women’s rights.
Samantha appears in period costume and introduces via anecdote the foils for her sage observations. She “rastles” with questions concerning history’s treatment of women, rights denied by the church, women’s powerlessness before the law, the need for women’s suffrage, social status, role assumptions, and more. After, audience members are invited to address questions to Samantha.
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Location: Roseau City Center Community Rooms
Meal: Come and fill your belly. Shirley Flick is serving up meatballs, mashed potatoes, veggies, coleslaw, bun, and dessert starting at 6 pm. Suggested donation of $15 per plate. Serving until gone or 6:50 pm. Sorry, no dietary alternatives will be available. RSVPs are appreciated but not necessary up until the day before the program.
Program: Starts at 7 pm. The program is free and open to everyone
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Museum Hours: The museum will be open until 6:45 pm that evening.